






粤港澳大湾区作为国家重要经济区域,在国策推动下迎来绿色经济转型的机遇及挑战,   20211210日,大湾区碳中和协会成立典礼在香港会议展览中心举行。   典礼由协会创会会长沛然环保顾问有限公司副主席及执行董事胡伯杰先生联同中联办宣文部张国义副部长、京港人才交流中心总经理刘志明先生、香港特别行政区环境局局长黄锦星先生, GBS, JP、香港中国企业协会副会长兼总裁张夏令先生和中国工程院陈清泉院士一同主持。






targets and the ways of implementation has attracted wide attention from all walks of life.  Dr. Neil Wang said the execution and implantation of carbon dioxide peaking and carbon neutrality will bring about a systematic revolution to society.    

 首先,是推动新能源快速、可持续地发展,减少化石能源在中国能源消耗中的占比,促进能源结构转型,保障我国的能源安全。   过去几年,在各种利好政策的推动下,我国的光伏、风电等新能源产业飞速发展,新能源发电占比不断提升;我国的能源结构也得到持续性的优化。在未来的几十年,以光伏、风电为代表的新能源产业仍将会是国家发展的重点,新能源发电也将成为我国未来主要的能源结构。

  Firstly, the “dual carbon” goal pushed new energy to develop rapidly and continuously. The goal allows the reduction of fossil energy usage within China’s energy consumption that promotes the transformation of the energy mix and ensures our country’s energy security.   In the past years, China’s new energy industries, such as photovoltaic and wind power industries, have developed rapidly under the promotion of various favorable policies, and the percentage rate of new energy power generation has been rising. China’s energy mix has obtained continuous optimization under the circumstances. In the next few decades, the new energy industry, especially represented by photovoltaic and wind power markets, will remain as the focus of national development. New energy power generation will also become the major energy mix of China in the future.   



 Secondly, the “dual carbon” goal is closely related to our lives. The achievement of “dual carbon” goal and alleviation of the greenhouse effect will significantly ameliorate our ecological environment and enhance our life qualities.   


第三,双碳目标的落实,将会倒逼中国的产业升级,改变现有经济格局。  为了实现碳中和,很多体量巨大的行业,将从原材料、生产制造到消费端,全部重新洗牌。

  Thirdly, the implementation of “dual carbon” goal will compel industrial upgrades and alter the current economic landscape.  To achieve carbon neutrality, many large-scaled industries will thoroughly transform across value chains-- from raw material and manufacturer to consumer end.

 第四,碳中和将推动ESG投资。  在双碳目标的背景下,中国,乃至全球的ESG投资,将加速发展,并将对整个社会的低碳化进行赋能。


  Fourthly, carbon neutrality will drive ESG investment.  In the context of “dual carbon” goal, China and the rest of the world will accelerate development on ESG investment and empower low carbonization in the entire society.




 What is ESG investment?

 王昕博士进一步解释道,  ESG投资是关注环境、社会和治理的投资理念,是我国经济社会发展全面绿色转型的重要抓手。    为了如期实现双碳目标,党的十九届五中全会提出“促进经济社会发展全面绿色转型”的重大部署,各级政府和监管机构积极推广ESG理念、建立ESG披露标准、完善ESG信息披露,促进企业ESG实践,充分发挥ESG投资在推动“双碳目标”过程中的激励约束作用。  他指出,ESG作为一种新型投资理念和投资准则,对于企业、社会和国家经济发展都有巨大的价值。  目前联合国全球契约组织已经聚集了1.2万多家领军企业,遵循ESG理念的投资机构管理的资产规模超过100万亿美元,ESG投资已成为全球投资机构的焦点。

  Dr. Neil Wang further explained that ESG investment is a concept that focuses on environment, society and governance, and it is an important grasp for the comprehensive green transition of China’s economic and social development.  To achieve the “dual carbon” goal timely, the “Fifth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth CPC Central Committee” has put forward the major deployment of “promoting eco-friendly economic and social development in all aspects”. Governments and regulators at all levels actively promote the ESG concept, establish ESG disclosure standards, improve ESG information disclosure, stimulate ESG practices in enterprises and maximize the incentive action brought by ESG investment while promoting the “dual carbon” goal.  Dr. Neil Wang pointed out that as the new investment concept and investment guideline, ESG provides great value to enterprises, society and national economic development.  At present, the United Nations Global Compact has gathered over 12,000 pioneering companies and an asset size of over USD100 trillion managed under investment institutions that follow the ESG concept. ESG investment has already become the main focus of global investment institutions.


根据沙利文的分析显示, ESG的价值主要体现在两个方面:

 According to Frost & Sullivan’s analysis, ESG’s value is mainly reflected in two aspects:


01 ESG拉动绿色投资理念的推广

ESG Drives the Promotion of Green Investment Philosophy


 The “dual carbon” goal highlights the importance of the environment and the development of green economy for our country, reflecting the priority given by the party and the state. Meanwhile, China has implemented various initiatives in the fields of clean energy and environmental protection, including investments in photovoltaic, wind power and other technologies in clean energy. The efforts all reflect the integration of ESG and the concept of green investment into the construction of China’s economic development.  


02 节能环保 守护地球

Strengthen Corporate Social Responsibility and Increase Information Disclosure Ratio


 ESG proposes high requirement and standards on companies on a societal level and has played a significant role in boosting regulation and fulfillment of corporate social responsibilities. Data displays that China’s listed companies have remarkably increased willingness to disclose ESG reports under the promotion of ESG investment philosophy. In 2020, the number of A-share listed companies that disclosed ESG related reports has reached 1,021 that has accounted for 27% of the total number of A-share listed companies. In particular, 259 companies from CSI 300 Index disclosed ESG related report, accounting for 86% of all 300 companies. This reflects that the pioneering Chinese companies have already established strong consciousness in ESG disclosure and social responsibility.

 王昕博士强调,中国在绿色金融领域具有无限的潜力,将成为全球主要的ESG市场之一,在全球ESG市场中发挥重要作用。   沙利文认为,全球ESG投资规模将保持持续增长的态势,尤其在中国,未来几年,甚至几十年,ESG投资规模将会迎来爆发式增长。


  Dr. Neil Wang emphasized that China has unlimited potential in the field of green finance and will become one of the main ESG markets that play a critical role in the global ESG market.   Frost & Sullivan believes that the scale of ESG investment will maintain a continuous uptrend, especially that in China. It is expected that the ESG investment scale will usher in explosive growth in the upcoming years or decades.   

 一直以来,沙利文持续关注绿色投资,并输出了大量绿色产业前瞻性报告,引导投资者聚焦我国绿色产业。   “绿色创投是我国落实碳中和目标的重要抓手,碳中和是加速我国能源重要转型,改善我们的生态环境,提高生活质量的助推剂,沙利文也将持续关注碳中和,全面支持国家实现碳中和目标。”王昕博士说。

All this time, Frost & Sullivan has sustained attention in green investment whilst output a great amount of related forward-looking reports that guided investors to focalize on China’s green industry.  Dr. Neil Wang stated that “green venture is a principal grasp for the implementation of the carbon neutrality target in China. Carbon neutrality is a booster that accelerates important transformation in China’s energy field, improves our ecological environment and enhances our life quality. Frost & Sullivan will continue to follow carbon neutrality closely and fully support our country to implement the carbon neutrality target.”    








