基于对全球用户数据管理(Subscriber Data Management, SDM)产品以及解决方案的调研,弗若斯特沙利文公司(Frost & Sullivan)发布了全球用户数据管理市场研究白皮书,研究对象包括SDM软件/硬件产品、相关服务以及综合性解决方案。该白皮书预计,全球SDM市场在2016-2021年间的年复合增长率将达到12.88%。该白皮书亦分析了SDM市场的竞争状况,并且对关键的SDM产品及解决方案提供商如华为、爱立信、诺基亚等进行了深入对比。
With research over the "Subscriber Data Management"(SDM) products and solutions on a global base, Frost & Sullivan published Global SDM market research white paper. The SDM hardware, software products, related services, and comprehensive solutions have been considered in the report. It is estimated that the CAGR of the global SDM market will reach 12.88% from 2016 to 2021. The white paper also reviews the competitive landscape of the SDM market and the core leading suppliers in the market, including Huawei, Ericsson, Nokia Networks, etc.